Conclusion of Questionnaires and Interviews
We sent out 30 questionnaires overall to the public with different age ranges. We did this, because we wanted to find out what the public look for in a thriller, to help us decide on what type of thriller we would make. Also to find out whom our main target audience will be.
From our research we have found out that all our recipients have watched a thriller, and many know what a thriller is. Many of our questionnaires were fill out from the age range between 17 and 20. Another majority of questionnaires were filled out by ages between 13 to 16 and 21 to 25. A small amount of questionnaires were filled out by ages 26 and over’s. From this we concluded that our thriller will be aimed at 15 to 20 year olds. We chose this because it was the highest amount of age ranges and we thought that people who fall in this age range would watch a thriller.
We had also found out more males watch a thriller than females. From the pie charts, we can see that more than a half of males had answered the questionnaires whereas there are less than a half of females. From this we concluded that our thriller may contain some features which may be more appealing to males however the thriller will still be suitable for females to watch.
We then asked what sub genres of thrillers they are interested in. From this a big majority of the public had chosen Action, Psychological and Horror. However the minority of people chose crime and supernatural. From this we concluded that our sub genres for the thriller we will produce are Horror and Action. We chose this because our feedback had shown that more people are interested in these sub-genres. So we chose the two main sub genres and will base our thriller on them.
We also asked the public what their favourite thriller movie is and what sort of villain they look for in a thriller. In these two questions we had got a wide range of answers, but most the questionnaires had got the same which were Paranormal Activity, Scream, The Ring, Inception and Bad Boys. This is due to the fact that from out sub genre’s our main ones chosen were psychological, action and horror and these thrillers consist on the sub genres. As they chose their favourite thriller and chose they sub genre, the villain they would mainly look for is a psychotic villain. However a small amount of the respondents wanted a serial killer, and as action had been chosen quite a lot, the audience preferred to see a super hero fighting a super villain. From this we had concluded that our villain would be psychotic as our target audience would be more interested in that.
We also asked how many films they would watch in one month, a very large amount has responded between 1 to 5 movies, and another amount had said 15 or over. This had shown that thrillers have been watched consistently. We also asked what certificate rating for a thriller they would watch. More than a half of the audience had said 18, a majority of people said 15 and a minority had said 12. From this we concluded that we will choose the certificate rating 18 as most of our target audience watch it with that rating. Even though our target audience is 15 to 20, we had found out that the people who are under 18 still watch certificate movies.
Our final question for the questionnaire was if the Public prefer a cliff hanger or the ending to be resolved. Over a half of the audience prefer a cliff hanger, whereas a small amount of people prefer the ending to be resolved. From this we concluded that our ending will end with a cliff hanger. We chose this because our target audience prefer a cliff hanger.
We also used another type of research to find out what our target audience prefer in a thriller. We used an interview because it is more in depth and we can get a lot more information.
The first question we asked was what they look for in a thriller. Most of them wanted a different two of lot and not a typical one. They wanted a thriller to have a very good story line and to keep the audience gripped to the movie until the climax.
The respondents would also prefer a thriller to have a very complex twist and something very mysterious with suspense. Also many referred back to the music as they thought music can have a big impact on a thriller to add more tension and suspense to keep their attention throughout the movie. This helped us decide to think of a more complex story line and not just a typical one which will get our audience bored within the two minutes.
The respondents would also prefer a thriller to have a very complex twist and something very mysterious with suspense. Also many referred back to the music as they thought music can have a big impact on a thriller to add more tension and suspense to keep their attention throughout the movie. This helped us decide to think of a more complex story line and not just a typical one which will get our audience bored within the two minutes.
The second question we asked was what would grab their attention in a thriller. From all the responses, we had gathered that the audience want the actors in the thriller to be played very well and have a big impact to make them interested. The thriller has to be very realistic, as they are not very interested in movies that look fake and poorly edited. Some respondents said that the dialogue and the adrenaline grabs their attention as they know what is going on and makes the thriller seem more thrilling and keeps the audience watching on.
Lastly, there has to be a good storyline, instead of a typical one. Such as a thriller with the sub-genre of horror, would have a storyline about a haunted house. To the responses we got back from our audience show that they want a more different and exciting storyline then just a normal one. Overall, we have concluded that, our storyline will be different and exciting which will keep the audience gripped. We will use music, with a lot of impulse and exaggerate scenes that will have a lot of adrenaline.
Lastly, there has to be a good storyline, instead of a typical one. Such as a thriller with the sub-genre of horror, would have a storyline about a haunted house. To the responses we got back from our audience show that they want a more different and exciting storyline then just a normal one. Overall, we have concluded that, our storyline will be different and exciting which will keep the audience gripped. We will use music, with a lot of impulse and exaggerate scenes that will have a lot of adrenaline.
The third question we asked was that if the audience prefer the ending of a thriller with a cliff hanger or to be resolved. From this we can conclude what they prefer and we can decide if we will end ours with a cliff hanger, or to be resolved. From the responses many preferred a thriller to end with a cliff hanger. They chose a cliff hanger, as it brings more anticipation and excitement to them. The audience are left thinking, and making up their conclusion’s to the film. However, a minority prefer it to end resolved. They don’t want something that we carry on as a sequel.
They would prefer it to be resolved if it weren’t a sequel, however if the thriller is a sequel, they would want it to be a cliff hanger, as they have the urge to watch the next one. From this we have concluded that our thriller will end with a cliff hanger, as it keeps the audience on edge and leaves them thinking and feeling shocked.
They would prefer it to be resolved if it weren’t a sequel, however if the thriller is a sequel, they would want it to be a cliff hanger, as they have the urge to watch the next one. From this we have concluded that our thriller will end with a cliff hanger, as it keeps the audience on edge and leaves them thinking and feeling shocked.
The fourth question we asked was that if they watched a thriller from a certain sub-genre, what they would expect to be in it. We asked this question to get an idea of what our audience looks for in certain sun genres, so we get a rough idea what we can do in our thriller, to keep them interested. Our responses show that they would expect there to be misleading events, meaning expecting something they didn’t know what was going to happen.
This grabs their attention as the thriller would be unpredictable and keeps them watching to see something happen unexpectedly. Also, one respondent had out Sci-Fi, and we had found out that in a Sci-Fi our audience would expect it to be very hi-tech and computerised. There should be a lot of adrenaline and fast pace camera movements also they expect it to be non-realistic. A minority said that they would expect some action and humour.
They chose humour as it neutralises the scary part of the film, which can give the audience a reaction by them laughing. From this we concluded that our main subgenres are horror and action, and there would be a lot of adrenaline, and fast pace. This makes the thriller seem very impulse exciting, however the audience will be kept on the edge of their seat, as there will be horror included.
This grabs their attention as the thriller would be unpredictable and keeps them watching to see something happen unexpectedly. Also, one respondent had out Sci-Fi, and we had found out that in a Sci-Fi our audience would expect it to be very hi-tech and computerised. There should be a lot of adrenaline and fast pace camera movements also they expect it to be non-realistic. A minority said that they would expect some action and humour.
They chose humour as it neutralises the scary part of the film, which can give the audience a reaction by them laughing. From this we concluded that our main subgenres are horror and action, and there would be a lot of adrenaline, and fast pace. This makes the thriller seem very impulse exciting, however the audience will be kept on the edge of their seat, as there will be horror included.
The final question we asked was that if they were to expect something different in a thriller, what would it be and why. From this, we can find out what the audience wants for a thriller to be different than any other thriller. This helps us as we can think of a genuine storyline which is completely different to other story lines in other films, which makes our target audience want to watch it and find it very appealing.
The responses we got, were that a majority of our audience, would prefer something mysterious with a big twist, which then builds up during the film and it is all resolved. They expected this because the viewers can then understand the climax more and it is unpredictable. Also, they expect the characters to be illustrated clearly, this way we can find out the motive of that character which helps the audience; understand why the character is portrayed in that certain way. From this we concluded that in our thriller, there would be a big twist, yet it won’t be very confusing as some of the audience would not understand it, and they would lose interest.
Therefore, if there are twists going on, there is more likely to be more action and slight horror, when the tension starts to build up.
The responses we got, were that a majority of our audience, would prefer something mysterious with a big twist, which then builds up during the film and it is all resolved. They expected this because the viewers can then understand the climax more and it is unpredictable. Also, they expect the characters to be illustrated clearly, this way we can find out the motive of that character which helps the audience; understand why the character is portrayed in that certain way. From this we concluded that in our thriller, there would be a big twist, yet it won’t be very confusing as some of the audience would not understand it, and they would lose interest.
Therefore, if there are twists going on, there is more likely to be more action and slight horror, when the tension starts to build up.